Quotes for lovers – The right relationship
Quotes about relationships – picture 4
The wrong person makes you beg for attention, affection, love and commitment. The right person gives you these things because they love you.
I guess all of us or to be accurate, most of us did at least once if not many times, that gone in a relationship that felt wrong, been treated wrong and kept telling themselves some lies to deny the fact that other person is lying, cheating or not caring and you kept going and accepting to be treated wrong.
I am not saying it is wrong to not give up on your relationship fast or without fighting for it but in my opinion that there is some signs that you need to pay attention to and you should not ignore them.
When they happen, you should re-think about your relationship and lover and to not accept to be treated wrong.
The one who loves you, will ache to make you happy, they will think about what makes you happy and try to do it. They won’t make you beg for their time or attention .. they will not make you feel not comfortable or not love.
So i see no reason for someone who says that they love you, to treat you bad or makes you beg for their time, if that happens, if you doubt that there is something wrong, then eventually you will be right.
Know your worth and when you should move on.
For more: Images and Quotes about relationships – quotes for him – wallpaper & quotes for lovers and couples