Love quotes – How to love ?
Love quotes – Photo 4
The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost. G.K. Chesterton
I guess many of us used to love something so much but we never realized that till we lost it. Or maybe you used to have something around for so long but you didn’t realize how much it meant to you till it was gone.
It is so sad that we never appreciate or realize how something means to us till we lose it. But if you have something that you want to love or if you have someone close to you but you don’t feel loving them or appreciating them.
Ask yourself that … how will you feel if that thing or that person went away?
It really worked with me, specially when someone so close makes me so angry or they have something that annoys me too much, i ask myself what if they gone died, how will i feel ? and then i realize how much i love them and can’t live without them.
Appreciate what you have and show them how much you love them, because one day you will wake up and find them passed away or gone then that feeling of regret will kill you.