Profound quotes about life and attitude

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Posted on April 17, 2019

10 Profound quotes about life and attitude

20 things you should stop wearing after the age of 30:

1-20: The wight of other people’s opinions and judgments.


Profound quotes about life and healing

You will heal, it just takes time.

Profound quotes about life and people playing victims

Sometimes you have to let go just to hold on to your sanity because there are people that have mastered making you believe you are the crazy one.

Profound quotes about life and making people happy smiling

If you have the power to make someone happy, do it.
The world needs more of that.

Profound quotes about life and attitude

We learn from every step we take. Whatever you did today was the way it was meant to be. Be proud of yourself.

Profound quotes about life and being tough

One small crack doesn’t mean you are broken meaning, it means you were put to the test and you did not fall apart.

Profound quotes about life and attitude

When you replace “why is this happening to me” with “what is this trying to teach me?” Everything shifts.


For more: Inspirational profound quotes about life and attitude

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