Motivating life quote – Start today

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Posted on April 27, 2013

Motivating life quote – Photo 8

A year from now you will wish you had started today. Karen Lamb

Sometimes we delay our first move, our start to tomorrow or the next week etc … and once we allow ourselves to do that for one time, we will always do that which will end with no move, no start.

And after sometime we will feel bad about that and we will wish if we had started that day when we took our first decision to delay if for the next day.

Even with that bad feeling we will not start, we will just keep feeling bad or try to ignore thinking about it and act like if it is okay that way.

So don’t delay, don’t be sacred, it doesn’t take much, it is not that bad, just beat that little voice inside you that made you miss your chance to be the person that you always wished to be and start today.

For more: Inspirational quotes and images – Inspirational quotes about life – short inspirational quotes and photos – inspiring life coaching quotes – Motivating quotes and photos – motivational quotes – How to success

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