Inspirational life quotes – I’m human, not perfect and thankful

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Posted on February 15, 2013

Inspirational life quotes – Photo 6

I fall, i rise, i make mistakes, i live, i learn, i have been hurt, But i am alive.
I am human and i am not perfect but i am thankful.  Author Unknown

Some people try to make other people feel bad about themselves, their lives and their mistakes. But we all are human and we all do mistakes, you are not bad and life doesn’t come with manual.

We fall and we learn from our falls, we rise and keep going, we get hurt but we still alive. That’s what we all go through to grow and learn.

So don’t give anyone the ability to hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself then they use that to abuse you. We all do mistakes and we all are not perfect.

Be thankful and appreciate yourself, know your value and people will too.

For more: Inspirational quotes and images – Inspirational quotes about life – short inspirational quotes and photos – inspiring life coaching quote – inspiration quotations – motivational quotes

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