Gratitude quotes – Being thankful

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Posted on March 25, 2019

Gratitude quotes – image 7

When you are thankful for what you have, you are always rewarded with more.

I guess one of the lessons i have learned through life and experience, is that being thankful has it’s own magic and it eventually rewarded and can change the whole circumstances. Being able to trust God and his plans is one of the most important lessons we should learn.

We also need to take a second and see what we have, where we stands and to look at other people who wish to be where we are now, who ache to have what we have. This is a good practice to learn how to be thankful and thank God for all the blessing which we have.

Gratitude is a precious manner that makes a lot of magic in our lives, always try to learn it, practice it and make it a part of your daily routine.

For more: Gratitude quotes – quotes about being thankful – Thanks quotes and images – Thankful quotations gallery

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